Edible Grades of salt

Edible Grades of salt

We have food/edible grades of salts, both in Sea Salt as well as Himalayan Pink Rock Salt, these are used in numerous food related industries like bread making, confectionary, bakery, cereals, butter and cheese, pickles and spices, etc., not to mention everyday kitchen and cooking needs in every household.

The Real Source of Supply For Most Exporters of Himalayan Salt

We are one of the major manufacturers of Himalayan Pink Salt for food use, we are principal suppliers to some of the large salt exporting companies that do not manufacture salt by themselves but have established their export business by procuring from local manufacturers of Himalayan Salt.


We used hand-picked and segregated raw rock salt lumps to feed our salt crushing plant, only the premium rock with no embedded sand or other such impurities goes into the processes to achieve premium quality end-product. All protocols are closely monitored to keep consistency of product and grain size as per buyer’s needs. Our manufacturing facilities are audited and certified under ISO 9001-2015, ISO 14001-2015, ISO 14001-2018, ISO 22000-2018, ISO 45001-2018, HACCP, HALAL, KOSHER standards and are in full compliance with these certifications’ requirements.

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